Friday, January 19, 2007

On Life....

It has occurred to me of late that a human life can be likened to a candle flame. This may seem cliche, but it's a mental image that has been sticking with me for some time.

The flame can warm us. It is beautiful. It can sooth, enhance, or rage as the mood takes it. And it illuminutes those around it, who step close enough to notice the splendor.

But candles, like a life, can only burn for so long. And we have think we know how long that will be, we may even take it's light and warmth for granted. Sure, we do what we can.... We shelter the flame from wind and rain, but we can only do so much.

And when you learn that the flame has only a few moments left, that the flame is slowly, gracefully, and beautifully dimming...what do you do? Do you mourn for the impending loss of light? Do you fear for the loss of warmth? Do you wait for the void it will leave behind, and anticipate drowning in the darkness?

Do you fight to keep the candle burning, thowing everything you have at it? Do you hurl gasoline at the flame in an attempt to preserve it?

Or, do you savor and love the light while it is still here? Do you let it go, and allow it to shine as long as it can before, grandually, it is extinguished?

And, while the flame is still burning, when do you say goodbye?

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1 comment:

Jeans Pants said...

I don't think I knew you had a blog besides myspace. I'm kind of glad you do. I like your writing and I always forget to look at your myspace blogs. This was beautifully written. To answer the question, you savor and love the light as it burns. Try not to fight the end. It's just another part of life.

It's a part of life that sucks but hey, what ya gonna do? =0)